The Kapeel Gupta Career Podshow
The Kapeel Gupta Career Podshow is India's leading platform for helping students to build happy careers. We help students recognize their passions, strengths and weaknesses. Learn from India's leading Study Abroad Expert who is on a mission to help students realize their dream of getting admissions in the leading universities of the world. Learn to strategize and focus towards your goal. Visit studyabroadacademy.in to join the tribe.
The Kapeel Gupta Career Podshow
Real Friends Vs Virtual Friends-Finding Balance in the Digital Age
Do you remember the last time you sat with a friend, laughing until your stomach hurt? Or when someone showed up at your door when you were feeling low, without you even calling them? That special feeling - that is what true friendship is all about.
or Click on the link: http://bit.ly/4jlql8s
What You May Learn
0:00 Introduction
2:22 Mission Statement
3:07 What defines a 'Real friend' in today's digital world?
4:39 How tech has changed our friendship?
6:27 Signs of a genuine friendship
8:09 Do virtual friends truly understand us?
9:48 Can Online only friendship match real world connection?
11:48 Balancing virtual and real life relationships
14:04 The role of trust in friendship
16:03 Are we losing face to face communication skills
17:47 Balancing work, virtual life and real friendships
20:08 Personal stories - The power of real friendship
23:27 Conclusion
25:24 Call to Action